the day after monday is...


tomorrow is tuesday. and tuesdays are very long days for me. 4:30am wake up to teach at 6am. then i teach my last class at 6:30pm. long long long. sometimes the world works in this way.

so tonight, when i got home from work, i decided to set myself up for success, as big red would say. i cooked. many many dishes. i cooked variations on quinoa, cous cous, gold/red/purple potatoes, asparagus, chicken sausage and drank lots of wine whilst doing it. perfect.

each bit of cooked goodness went into a tupperware to take to work tomorrow for breakfast, lunch and dinner... the rest will be available for a mini-wednesday and mini thursday. hooray. at any rate, this idea of making and packing meals has always been one big red's ways of guaranteeing a great day. (my favorite is waking up and saying out loud today is going to be a great day, of course.)

recently, i rediscovered my copy of the worst-case scenario survival handbook. it's really brilliant. kelly gave it to me for christmas a million years ago. i love it for its novelty. for its james bond-esque ability to make an emergency situation feel calculated and reasonable.

however, there's no chapter for what to do if you're having a no good terrible very bad because you forgot your lunch, or if you are feeling half-way lousy because your boyfriend is across the world for two weeks and the time change is killing your ability to communicate and your big red and tony don't answer their phones at first ring or you feel like you listen to so much crazy during the day that your own creations of crazy begin to seem calculated and reasonable.... hmmmm. i clearly needed to say a few things. thanks for listening.

well. regardless of having a lack of concrete guidance regarding today's real life worst-case scenarios, big red's advice stands true. today was a good day... i told myself it would be at the get go... tomorrow will be too. ( i just have to remember to pull my lunch out of the fridge. oy. call me around 5:13am to remind me, would you? thanks.)

also, having your favorite color nail polish on your fingernails can also be a factor in having a good day. try black cherry berry. you won't regret it.


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