that dear old dirty town...


recently, i've been feeling way less disdain for new york. hmmmm. i think there's a compliment in there somewhere. or perhaps some self reflection. it may be possible that being in graduate school and living in bonkers (that lovely stretch of neighborhood in yonkers proper, but still in the bronxville p.o. - bonkers, so correct) was perhaps not the very best way to take in the majority of my new york living experiences. christ, most manhattanites refer to westchester as upstate... or anything above 125th street for that matter.

somehow i found this blog, hither and thither, followed by this one, an apple a day. or maybe it was the other way around... can't remember now, so much clicking. at any rate, both are new york bloggers. hither and thither are a husband and wife and baby and very fancy. you know, the blog is sponsored and designed and very glamorous. i love it. and it lead me to this:

the story of 190 bowery is insane. for a long time most new yorkers (myself included... categorized as someone who's been to new york and spent time there, not a new yorker. guess that period of non-disdain is essentially over) believed that this building was abandoned. it's an old germania bank riddled with graffiti. who knew, though... it's a single family home! mom, dad, daughter. what?! somehow, my imagination of the people that could live in this bank are way wilder than what's actually going on. i picture the [fictional] tenenbaums meet tony, louise and layla. oh shit, that'd be awesome! read the whole article and see a slideshow here.

and the other lovely blog that's making me reconsider my hatred unpleasant memories of new york... an apple a day. she's really quite lovely. a florist and antique collecter/diy-er extraordinaire. you know how i've always said i'd like to be someone who can live in a clean, streamline designed apartment (shit, that ain't gonna happen)... her too, her too! she's got almost as much stuff as i do. remember the olden day episodes of project runway? i've got a knack to santino everything i touch. i think she'd be the same way.

i've been writing a bunch lately. did you notice? maybe i'll see you again later in the day. until then, read these blogs and that article. the piccy came from the article... all linked above (see how i'm trying to work this non-plagiarized post...?? i know, let it go... )


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