

Dear Friends,

I'm moving... WordPress. I hope you'll stop by my new home: Art of Guesture.

I've been working on creating a new space for myself. In honor of my word for 2013... CREATE, I have decided to make the move to WordPress. Art of Guesture has grown from the need to create a place for a new beginning. I have been so happy with what has come from mother/father's daughter, and what I have tracked over the past two years. From Grad School to San Francisco - through new jobs, bad relationships, supreme highs, embarrassing lows and a heavy learning curve, I'm so pleased that it is documented.

As I was saying goodbye to my old home, I giggled a little at the first sentence of my last post:

i've got a stagnant itch and it's telling me that it's time to go somewhere.

Ta da.

I hope you'll enjoy what grows here. A bit of daily life, commentary on what I hear-read-see, photos, music and (as always) whatever I feel like throwing out to the universe.

If you follow me on Blogger, Google Reader or other fancy tool, I hope you'll take a moment to update this URL. It's pretty easy -

Welcome to my new home. I'd love to hear from you.


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