an ode to big red...


i've been struggling to find my words lately. blocked... but i've been saving this story for just the occasion. helps me remember all the feelings that i love, you know!? and i've got feelings. new ones. all. the. time.

when big red and i were in hawai'i a few weeks ago, we went to yoga everyday. everyday. it was so glorious. i found an iyengar studio through the inflight magazine on hawai'ian airlines! way to go inflight. anywhoodle, each morning we took the bus to the silent dance center. (seriously y'all... if you're ever in honolulu, go! we went to the mo'ili'ili location. gorgeous!) we took class from two different women, who both changed my life and taught me something new (not just asanas) each class.

in our first class, the instructor asked big red and i if we had any injuries and whether we had done iyengar before. standard. big red told her it was her second time. true dat.

now, listen here, i think it's pretty clear to any of you out there that i think my mother is magical. beyond magical. she could have been spun from the magic threads of a unicorn's mane for all i know. and those who know her, love her. (and those crazies that don't love her, must be frightened of her magic. because, shit is powerful. trust.)

yoga teacher of day one got it. instantly. the way she took time to care for big red was beautiful. and it wasn't that my mom was doing the asanas incorrectly, or in danger of hurting herself. it was just that she obviously wanted to give my mom as much information as possible. as though she deserved to know everything that could be given in an hour and a half.

for a moment... a brief moment. i was jealous. i wanted the attention. i wanted to learn how to make my asanas better. to be corrected, and cared for. but then i stopped. and listened. listened to what she was telling big red. yoga teacher got it, i'm telling you.

and then...

she called me... louise's daughter. open your right hip as you tuck your sitting bones to the floor... (or whatever she actually said, because who cares?!) she touched upon my exact feelings. louise's daughter!!!!! that's me. she made me. and i'm the only one she made. lucky. maybe i've got a bit of that magic in me... i'm aiming for it!

she called me louise's daughter for the rest of our stay. it thrilled me to no end every time she said it. (thanks for that, val).

hope you've got someone magical. i adore you. you are magic. piccys are from our trip! alooooooohaaaaaa.


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